Monday, June 29, 2009

Waiting for answers

I've sent screeners to a number of festivals, and I hope we can get a good 1st festival a springboard to others. It's a slow process. The time from submission date to announcement varies from 1 month to as much as 3 so there may be a lull before there's any news.

That said, I have heard from a lot of people who weren't able to make the cast and crew screening so I may try to arrange a smaller screening during the summer. All depends on an available space and the usual logistics.

We're getting our heads down at 1i films to get our next project going. Still not sure what will go first. We need to create a recession proof plan and buck the trend.

I suppose that applies to everyone. Best a wins a business partner.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cast and Crew Screning Last Sunday

What a turnout last Sunday for the Cast and Crew Screening of Dust. It was great to meet so many of you again and to welcome family and friends to view our work. The feedback was as positive as I could have hoped for and it seems the 12 minutes of Dust lead to a good hour of discussion and interpretation.

I owe a big thanks to everyone at Movies@Dundrum who provided us with excellent facilities, professionalism and a warm welcome.

This was my first time to see the film on such a big screen and with a real audience. We projected the HD Cam version which looks great and sounds great. I noticed details in certain frames that I never noticed in all the times I've seen the film in post and on TV screens, particularly on the drive through town.

I've started entering festivals, and will keep the blog posted as we make progress.

1ifilms documentary, Stolen Child, directed by Nial O'Sullivan, is screening at the Guth Gafa Documentary festival in Donegal on next Sunday 14th June. Hoping for good feedback.

I aim to be more active on the blog than of late.
